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Workshop: Pathway to regular and sustained delivery of climate forcing datasets
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28 October, 2024 @ 13:00 – 31 October, 2024 @ 13:00 GMT

In discussions around a potential sustained mode or “operational” CMIP activity, provision of climate forcing datasets has been identified as high priority for moving to a regular delivery mode to meet user needs and sustained by appropriate funding, resources and infrastructure. Indeed, one of the CMIP Climate Forcing Task Team core goals is to “Work with teams to identify, develop, document and deliver an updated and expanded forcing collection to near real time”. There is strong agreement around this ambition; however, the reality of implementation is complex and the funding landscape remains fragmented. In addition, we recognize that the very development of climate forcing datasets has a foot in basic research developing the knowledge of historical evolution of forcing agents, and quantifying their uncertainties, which has to occur in parallel to their “operational” use – both need to be sustained and augmented if the ambition is to be realized.
This four day workshop will be an opportunity to review the current provision model, discuss the key challenges, hear from users and potential users of the data, co-create a range of practical implementation options, develop the vision and generate concrete actions towards regular and sustained climate forcings dataset delivery. The outcomes of the workshop will feed into the CMIP sustained mode scoping study being led by Helene Hewitt (CMIP Panel Co-chair) and Greg Flato (WGCM Co-chair).
Workshop programme and materials
An overview programme can be found below with a more detailed session breakdown available to download here. Slide decks and recordings are highlighted in red.
13:00-15:00 | Session 1: CMIP7 DECK forcings focus (Chairs: Paul Durack, Vaishali Naik) Introductory slides (Paul Durack) Task Team member updates (all data providers) – Solar update (Bernd Funke) – Land use update (Louise Chini) – Volcanic update (Thomas Aubry) – Ozone update (Michaela Hegglin) First look at v0 datasets compared to CMIP6 (Fresh Eyes) Q&A/Discussion Addressing critical issues Identifying key data dependencies Session 1 recording |
15:00-15:30 | Afternoon tea break |
15:30-18:00 | Session 2: Scenario forcings and harmonisation (Chairs: Jarmo Kikstra, Steve Smith) Session 2 combined slide deck Status, plans and timeline Lessons learned from RESCUE Addressing challenges – Emissions (Steve Smith, Jarmo Kikstra) – Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) (Louise Chini) – Carbon Dioxide Removal (Ben Sanderson) – Scenarios (Brian O’Neill) Session 2 recording |
09:00-12:30 | Session 3: CMIP7 DECK protocol development (Chairs: Vaishali Naik and Ben Sanderson) Status of v0 data implementation in models Summary of DECK experimental protocol in CMIP6 Revisiting piControl/ScenarioMIP protocol – Volcanic baseline time period, vertical extent and scenario specification (Thomas Aubry) – Solar baseline period (Bernd Funke) – Natural variability embedded in biomass burning emissions (John Fasullo) – Natural variability embedded in Ozone (Michaela Hegglin) Guidance development including report to CMIP Core Panel Session 3 recording |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch |
13:30-14:30 | Community drop-in session (Chairs: Vaishali Naik, Paul Durack) Latest update on CMIP7 DECK forcing datasets including testing and planned publication of AR7 Fast Track versions. Drop in session slide deck and recording |
14:30-16:00 | Session 4: Addressing Gaps and Uncertainties in Forcing Datasets (Chair: Paul Durack) Setting the stage – Paul Durack How are historical/DECK forcings implemented in an ESM – an example of IPSL-CM6A-LR 2020 (Olivier Boucher) How do we identify and recommend forcings datasets for models – example of simple plume aerosols: (Stephanie Fiedler) Discussion on uncertainties in implementing forcings in models: Alternate datasets to address missing processes in models or elucidate uncertainties in forcings – Freshwater from ice sheets (Ken Mankoff) – Groundwater for irrigation (Yi Yao) – Alternative fire emissions datasets (Douglas Hamilton) Discussions leading to decisions on inclusion of additional forcings for delivery Session 4 recording |
16:00-16:30 | Afternoon tea break |
16:30-18:00 | Session 5: What are the MIP needs? (Chair: Stephanie Fiedler) Introduction (Stephanie Fiedler) – Population density data (HYDE) – highlighting the need from the models’ perspective – Hydrogen (Maria Sand) – Dust emissions (Stephanie Fiedler) – Land-only and ocean-only atmospheric forcing datasets (Dave Lawrence) Other contributed datasets – scenarios/idealized Outcome – identify points of contact for forcing data delivery Session 5 recording |
18:00-20:00 | ICE BREAKER: Networking and drinks (Location: ECMWF Weather room) |
09:00-10:30 | Session 6: Sustained mode challenges (Chair: Eleanor O’Rourke) Setting the stage (Zeb Nicholls) Refining the challenges for both historical and scenario forcings. Refining the presentation of the current process and proposed options for sustained mode for the plenary session. Session 6 recording |
10:30-11:00 | Morning tea break and arrival of plenary participants |
11:00-12:30 | PLENARY 1: The need for sustained mode forcings (Chair: Anca Brookshaw) What do we mean by sustained mode? (Helene Hewitt) Users panel The wider user perspective: introductions from the panel. – Climate forcings in the CAMS operational service (Johannes Flemming) – Forcings for reanalysis and initialised predictions (Tim Stockdale) – DCPP and WMO LC-ADCP on forcings for GCMs (Leon Hermanson) – Destination Earth (Sebastian Milinski) – CORDEX climate forcing dataset requirements (Jesus Fernandez) – Contributions from the rest of the panel Discussion on the user perspectives: reflect on challenges in catering for the wide variety of needs Plenary 1 recording |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch and group photo |
13:30-15:30 | PLENARY 2: The current status and potential challenges for sustained mode (Chair: Eleanor O’Rourke) What is happening now? – the CMIP7 experience (Paul Durack and Vaishali Naik) Summary of potential sustained mode challenges (Zeb Nicholls) Funders panel – Clement Albergel (Climate and Long-Term Action Division, ESA) – Carlo Buontempo (Copernicus Climate Change Services, ECMWF) – Jin Huang (Earth System Science and Modeling (ESSM), NOAA) – Renu Joseph (Regional & Global Model Analysis, DoE) – Philippe Tulkens (DG Research & Innovation, EC) Plenary 2 recording |
15:30-16:00 | Afternoon tea break |
16:00-18:30 | PLENARY 3: Can we address the challenges? (Chair: Claire MacIntosh) Introduction to breakout sessions and objectives (Claire MacIntosh) Breakout session intro recording Breakout 1: How to address user needs/requirements (40 mins + 20 mins feedback) Breakout session 1 feedback and breakout session 2 intro recording Breakout 2: How to build a sustained mode delivery programme (40 mins + 20 mins feedback) Breakout session 2 feedback |
19:30-22:00 | WORKSHOP DINNER (Location: Thames Lido) Participants by coach directly from ECMWF at 19:00 |
09:00-10.30 | PLENARY 4: Realising the vision (Chair: Carlo Buontempo) Reflecting and refining the vision How can this vision be achieved? Plenary 4 recording Plenary 4 & 5 slides |
10.30-11:00 | Morning tea break |
11.00-12.30 | PLENARY 5: Next steps (Chair: Carlo Buontempo) What are the next steps – tangible actions with timeline and assigned responsibilities Plenary 5 recording |
13:00- | Additional meetings as required including: BECCS workshop |
Organising committee
- CMIP Climate Forcings Task Team Co-leads Vaishali Naik (GFDL/NOAA), Paul Durack (PCMDI/LLNL) and Task Team members.
- Copernicus Climate Services – Carlo Buontempo, Anca Brookshaw, Chris Goddard
- ESA Climate and Long Term Action Division – Claire MacIntosh
- CMIP International Project Office – Eleanor O’Rourke, Briony Turner
If you have any questions please contact the CMIP IPO. Please sign-up for the Forcings mailing list here to be notified of new data, updates, or documentation.