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Mailing lists

At the newly formed CMIP International Project Office (IPO), we are working hard to make CMIP a more open, inclusive community. Part of this work is focussing on our communications so that we can advertise our opportunities, news, and events to anyone who might interested.

To achieve this we have set up new mailing lists which are open to everyone. To sign up for our mailing lists please fill in this form.

On the form you will find eight different mailing lists you can sign up for. If you have previously signed up to any of mailing lists using the above form, and now wish to add your name to others without filling in the form again, please email the IPO using the contact details at the bottom of the page.

CMIP Community News

The CMIP Community News mailing list is our primary list for sending out communications across the CMIP network. On here, we will advertise opportunities to get involved with CMIP7 and give feedback on previous phases of CMIP, promote events we are organising, and share news from colleagues around our community.

Task Team mailing lists

There is also the opportunity to join specific CMIP7 Task Team mailing lists. These mailing lists will be utilised by our Task Teams to share any specific collaboration opportunities they may have available. Details on the scope of each task team can be found on their relevant webpages here.

Sustainable CMIP

We look forward to engaging more closely on the sustainability of CMIP with the climate modelling and science communities as we work towards preparing future phases of CMIP.

We are following closely the work, and publications, of the H2020 IS-ENES3 dedicated project and CPMIP activities (Acosta et al 2022; Balaji et al 2017). If you are aware of others, let us know -contact details in the footer.

We’re currently reviewing how to calculate the carbon footprint from the modelling activities of CMIP6. This is would have been much easier if it had been planned in advance. Therefore, we also want to get ahead of the curve when planning CMIP7.

Whilst the computational carbon footprint for CMIP is significant, it is not the only activity which emits CO2. We also must consider additional activities such as travel and online meetings.

If you’re interested with being involved in discussions around making CMIP sustainable for the future, register your interest by joining our Sustainable CMIP mailing list and let us know your ideas -and upvote those you like here!

CMIP Seminars

We hold a monthly seminar series! There are monthly seminars held on the last Wednesday of each month. The time will alternate between 08:00-09:00UTC and 15:30-16:30 UTC to allow for global participation. 

Speakers can register for a 20-minute talk here (15 minutes presentation, 5 minutes questions). We’ll be in touch to let you know if/when your talk has been scheduled for.

If you would like to register to receive joining details for the seminars, sign up here.

We encourage anyone doing research involving CMIP data to sign-up to present their results.

CMIP Tools

We’ve compiled a range of different tools, coding languages, and other softwares which might be useful when working with climate data and CMIP data. This is a community initiative to pool together existing resources and make them easier to find for users.

Check out the tools gallery here. See a tool that is missing? Add it to the gallery here.

Vacancies and open membership calls

Please sign up to our mailing lists to be informed when opportunities do arise.

1. Fresh Eyes Directory

We’re also delighted to announce that we’ve launched the Fresh Eyes Directory. This a new initiative to ensure that opportunities and collaboration within the CMIP Early Career Researcher (ECR) community is as open as possible.

Any ECR can now register to join the Fresh Eyes Directory. This will lead to your name, email, and short biography becoming available to others in the Fresh Eyes Directory. Any member of the directory can then find other scientists to collaborate and network with.

Joining the directory will also ensure that you will always hear about new CMIP-relevant opportunities, events, and job adverts straight into your inbox. The Fresh Eyes on CMIP group may also reach out to the Fresh Eyes Directory with consultations and other engagement opportunities, as well as advertising when new positions in the Fresh Eyes on CMIP group become available.

Find more details on joining the Fresh Eyes Directory by following this link.

Task Team Stakeholders

If you are happy to engage more closely with the CMIP7 Task Teams as an invited stakeholder, please register your interest by joining the relevant task team’s mailing list above.

Website feedback

Have some feedback for us on our website?

We welcome any feedback whether you have found some incorrect information, you think there is some important information missing, you think there’s a missing feature or anything else.

Please let us know below!

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