Jan 30, 2025

CMIP7 Data Request: v1.1 now available

We are pleased to release v1.1 of the CMIP7 Data Request.

There are two key components of the Data Request that you can access from today:

  1. The online database (hosted on Airtable),
  2. The software package (hosted on GitHub).
  3. Database guidance pages (hosted on ScribeHow)

If you would like more information about the new structure of the Data Request for CMIP7, or some background information about how the Data Request has been created so far, you can find this at the bottom of this page.

The Data Request content

The CMIP7 Data Request contains the list of variables and their associated metadata, which are requested from CMIP7 experiments. In v1.1, the list of experiments is limited to the AR7 Fast Track. The final version of the CMIP7 Data Request for the AR7 Fast Track (v1.2) will include additional experiments outside of the Fast Track.

The Data Request contains a subset of the variables which were requested in CMIP6, alongside a suite of new and modified variables. While the Data Request Task Team and thematic author groups have worked incredibly hard to get v1.1 of the Data Request into a finalised format, there is ongoing work to update and correct issues in the content. We have outlined some of these efforts below so users can access and use the Data Request content with a full understanding of the status of the variables, variable groups, and Opportunities.

Changes since v1.0

Experiments outside of the AR7 Fast Track

The Data Request Task Team requested information from MIPs about experiments for which they wish to request data on the AR7 Fast Track timeline but that are not included in the Fast Track. We have not received any requests, but we do still expect some new experiments to be registered between now and the v1.2 release at the end of March.

If you are aware of any such experiments, please contact the IPO immediately so we can ensure the experiments are registered in time. Otherwise, the variables/experiments will not be included in the Data Request.

Time slices/subsets

Since v1.0, there has been discussion surrounding the use of time slices/subsets in the Data Request. Multiple modelling centres highlighted that they can be extremely difficult to implement, often meaning that requests for specific time slices/subsets are ignored. However, the Task Team still understands their use is appealing to some modelling centres in order to reduce particularly high volume requests. It was also noted that the term ‘Time Slice’ is used with different meanings in different communities (e.g., to refer to model simulations run under repeated annual cycle forcings).

Therefore, three decisions were made, impacting the CMIP7 Data Request:

  1. Time slices are renamed to Time subsets from v1.1 onwards.
  2. Only particularly high-volume Opportunities are recommended to add time subsets. These time subsets are optional for modelling centres to implement, but provide a choice for centres if there is a need to reduce the volume of data produced.
  3. Currently there are details about how to implement the time subsets in the Opportunity (e.g. the Energy System Impacts Opportunity), such as the time subset priority preferences. The IPO and Data Request Task Team are developing a template to include in the Opportunities’ descriptions to make this information uniform across the Opportunities and easier for modelling centres to find. This will be implemented in v1.2 of the Data Request.

A smaller list of time subsets is also being used in CMIP7 to simplify the request. There is still ongoing discussion, particularly in the Impacts and Adaptation thematic group on the implementation of time subsets, so there are likely to be further changes in v1.2.

Baseline Climate Variables

The Baseline Climate Variables have been updated to match the final version, v1.4, as per the accepted manuscript in GMD: https://egusphere.copernicus.org/preprints/2024/egusphere-2024-2363/. 

Other things to note

Variables with known issues

A few variables have known technical errors that were not possible to fix before the v1.1 release. This includes variables which are still pending a new CF Standard Name or variables with ongoing discussions around how to implement their metadata within the Data Request structure. Variables which are known to have an issue are flagged in the field ‘Flag – known issue’, with the known issue detailed in the ‘Processing note’ field.

Changes in CMIP6 variables

While most of the variables from CMIP6 remain unchanged1, there are a few which have been edited. We have automatically flagged the variables which might have had one of the following fields edited since CMIP6.

  1. Table/physical parameter (i.e. has the variable’s compound name changed)
  2. Cell methods
  3. Cell measures
  4. Dimensions
  5. Units
  6. Positive direction

The updates to these fields have mostly been made to fix errors in CMIP6 variables, to add extra detail in metadata, and sometimes to adjust variable definitions or sampling. Variables with changes have been flagged in the ‘Flag – variable change since CMIP6’ field. Where a variable is flagged, we recommend comparing to the CMIP6 CMOR tables to clarify the differences, however you will find some information in the Processing Note which will guide you towards the differences.

  1. Except that the frequency attribute has been modified in almost all variables and now only specifies the temporal sampling interval. ↩︎

Associating MIPs with Opportunities

Since the v1.0beta release, we have offered MIPs the chance to tag themselves to Opportunities. The options offered to MIPs are:

  1. If an Opportunity will produce science which is essential for their MIP. This is indicated in the field ‘MIPs – high priority.
  2. If the science produced by an Opportunity would be relevant for their MIP, but is not essential for their science goals. This is indicated in the field ‘MIPs – lower priority’.

Please note, we have only received responses from a few MIPs so this information is incomplete. We will continue to collect this information to allow modelling centres to inform their Opportunity selection via MIPs.

Making pressure levels more uniform

To make the Data Request easier to implement, the Atmospheric Author Team have proposed to move all daily and monthly data requested on the CMIP6 pressure levels plev8 and plev7h onto 19 pressure levels (plev19 from CMIP6). This has been implemented in v1.0.

Sub-daily data requested from the downscaling and emulator communities are still requested on a smaller number of pressure levels, due to the potential data volume bloat a move to 19 levels could cause. Data on plev3, plev7c, and plev27 remain unchanged.

The thematic author teams will still accept feedback on this change, so please contact the CMIP IPO if you have any feedback on this.

Variable names

In this release of the Data Request, variables are still identified by their compound name, as in CMIP6 (e.g. Amon.ta). The WIP have decided to use a different naming structure from CMIP7 onwards, known as ‘Branded Variables’. The details are still being finalised, but please note from v1.2 of the Data Request we will use the Branded Variables as the main variable name. We will keep the compound name in the variable metadata to ease comparisons between CMIP7 and earlier CMIP phases.

Accessing the Data Request

The Online Database

The full Data Request can be explored online at https://bit.ly/CMIP7-DReq-v1_1.

Many users will not have used Airtable, or navigated through the complex CMIP Data Request database before. While it may seem complex at first, Airtable is an extremely powerful tool which makes viewing complex data structures much more simple when you know how to use it. Therefore we encourage users to take some time getting used to the platform in order to make navigation easier for yourself in the future.

We have created some guides to help you navigate and use the CMIP7 Data Request database. Access the Airtable guides at https://bit.ly/CMIP7-DReq-guidance.

The GitHub Software Package

The Data Request Task Team’s Technical Implementation Subgroup (DR-TISG) have started work to create Python code to allow users to interact with the CMIP7 Data Request. It will provide an API and scripts that can produce lists of the variables requested for each CMIP7 experiment, information about the requested variables, and in general will support different ways of querying and utilising the information in the data request.

This software is under active development and will continue to evolve following the v1.0 release. The DR-TISG welcome any feedback and/or contributions to the software via GitHub. Full details are provided in the GitHub README file.

All variable metadata is available in the exported Data Request content; however, at this stage it has not been converted into CMOR tables.

Flat list of the variables

The new structure of the Data Request is centred around Opportunities, which allows for important description of, and justification for, inclusion of output variables in the Data Request. Additionally, the database structure of the Data Request allows for improved consistency of technical metadata across the many variables in CMIP. However, we appreciate that many Data Request users find a flat list of the variables useful. This flat list is available in two ways:

  1. In the Variables tab of the online Airtable database. This can be exported to CSV format by clicking the MASTER button, then selecting ‘Export to CSV’.
  2. In the GitHub, a JSON export of variable metadata from the Airtable database is available at via the GitHub Software repo.

Providing feedback

The final public consultation reviewing the content of the CMIP7 Data Request is now open. The mechanisms for sharing feedback remain the same as in the last phase of consultation:

  1. Overview survey: requested from all MIPs and modelling centres. Estimated ~10-15 minutes to complete.
  2. Production intent for Opportunities and variable groups: optional for modelling centres. Information is useful for thematic author teams when undergoing their harmonisation work.
  3. Production intent for Variables: optional for modelling centres. Information is useful for thematic author teams when undergoing their harmonisation work.
  4. Technical comments on specific Opportunities, variables, or variable groups: optional for modelling centres.

Find out more information on providing feedback on the Data Request here.

MIPs and Modelling Centres can continue to provide feedback using the Excel spreadsheets and/or Variable Comment forms circulated during previous releases. Content of the Request has been updated slightly since v1.0. Modelling centres can download the latest spreadsheet here, or both modelling centres and MIPs are welcome to continue using the v1.0beta or v1.0 spreadsheets that were shared previously.

The new CMIP7 Data Request structure and more background information

The Data Request Task Team have developed an activity that works with community representatives to devise a controlled list of high priority variables that facilitate the majority of user needs. They proposed the following structure of the next Data Request to the CMIP Panel and WGCM Infrastructure Panel (WIP). The Panel and WIP both approved the structure.

The Data Request includes variable definitions and the mapping of variables against the justification for the request expressed in terms of the opportunities that the data will generate.  This will take the form of a controlled list of high priority variables that serve both the majority of user needs and create a harmonised set of data requests which balance scientific demand for data against modelling centre and infrastructure capacity.

The new CMIP7 Data Request Structure, showing how Experiment Groups and Variable Groups are linked to Opportunities.

The thematic author teams process

 Five thematic author teams have been set up to develop the controlled list of high priority variables through through an IPO-supported and Data Request Task Team coordinated paper writing process.

An open call was conducted for authors and reviewers for the thematic papers:

Appointed authors can be viewed here. The Author teams will be running open meetings and other engagement initiatives with modelling centres during this process.

Variable selection

Author teams as well as the wider CMIP community have been asked to define:

  • What data is requested, including CF metadata,
  • Why it is needed and why it is a priority,
  • Who will make use of it
  • How it will be used.

Alongside discussing individual variables, the following have been asked to define:

  • Experiment groups: non-exclusive grouping of experiments (e.g. ‘AR7 Fast Track’, ‘DECK’, ‘Scenarios’ etc.)
  • Variable groups: non-exclusive grouping of variables (e.g. monthly time slices of the baseline variables).
  • Opportunities: intended use-case/justification for one or multiple variable groups. Opportunities are also linked to relevant experiment groups.

Creating opportunities

Identifying opportunities helps to provide a structure to map variables against requirements. Each opportunity description conveys why this combination of variables and experiments is important and how variables and experiments contribute to impact. 

Each opportunity includes:

  • A high-level description of the  science and/or societal use and impact
  • A time slice to specify a block of years for which data is needed.
  • Experiments and variables that link to the opportunity.  Some experiments and variables will be linked to more than one opportunity.

v1.0 launch event

The Data Request Task Team held a virtual launch event following the Data Request v1.0 release. The event was aimed at MIPs and Modelling Centres, though anyone from the CMIP Community was invited to register.

During the session, the Task Team presented an overview of the request, including descriptions of the changes in structure since CMIP6, an overview of the information and tools available to you, and an introduction to the CMIP7 Data Request software package.

View the slides and recordings for the launch event here.

More on the subject

CMIP7 DECK Forcings Drop-in session


Open call for Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint Task Team

Streamlining model selection – a collaborative virtual workshop

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