Fresh Eyes Directory

The Fresh Eyes Directory is a new initiative to ensure that opportunities and collaboration within the CMIP Early Career Researcher (ECR) community are as open as possible.

Any ECR can now register to join the Fresh Eyes Directory. This will lead to your name, email, and short biography becoming available to others in the Fresh Eyes Directory. Any member of the directory can then find other scientists to collaborate and network with.

Joining the directory will also ensure that you will always hear about new CMIP-relevant opportunities, events, and job adverts straight into your inbox. The Fresh Eyes on CMIP group may also reach out to the Fresh Eyes Directory with consultations and other engagement opportunities, as well as advertising when new positions in the Fresh Eyes on CMIP group become available.

Already a member? Access the directory here (members only).

Join the Fresh Eyes Directory

Follow this link to access the application form to join the Fresh Eyes Directory.

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