May 23, 2024

Open call for CMIP Panel member

Application deadline: 12:00 UTC Friday 21st June 2024

The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) is a project of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) providing climate simulations to understand past, present, and future climate changes. CMIP and its associated data infrastructure have become essential to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other international and national climate assessments. Its vision is to coordinate community-based research to tackle key and timely climate science questions and facilitate delivery of relevant multi-model simulations through shared infrastructure for the benefit of the international climate research community, climate impact and adaptation practitioners, national and international climate assessments, and society at large.

This call invites the community to nominate candidates (including self-nomination) who are based in countries not currently represented by the Panel (i.e. Australia, Japan, Europe, and North America) and particularly encourages applications from “Least Developed Countries“, “Landlocked Developing Countries“, and “Small Island Developing States“.

The CMIP Panel

The CMIP Panel is a subcommittee of the Working Group on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) charged with overseeing the evolving design of CMIP and with coordinating the various activities contributing to the science and impact of CMIP.  The CMIP Core Panel is currently composed of two co-chairs and four Core Panel members plus the WGCM Infrastructure Panel (WIP) Co-chairs. The full CMIP Panel includes co-leads of the CMIP task teams and Fresh Eyes on CMIP, ex-officio members representing associated panels and other WCRP activities and an emeritus member. There are currently six task teams, two working groups, and the early career researcher activity, Fresh Eyes on CMIP, all of which report to the full CMIP Panel and WIP.

The CMIP Panel provide recommendations, proposals, and insight to the WGCM, which is the decision-making body and works closely and proactively across WCRP to drive forward climate modelling and climate science. The CMIP Panel works closely with the WIP that coordinates infrastructure support for CMIP and is responsible for many of the technical specifications for model output. Both Panels sit under the WGCM, within the Earth System Modelling and Observations (ESMO) core project,  and are supported by the CMIP International Project Office.

Responsibilities of Core Panel members

  • Attend and contribute to meetings to drive progress and review issues and risks arising in the delivery of CMIP.
  • Report on areas of responsibility and adopt actions as needed.
  • Work with other Panel members to develop white papers and other publications as relevant.
  • Ensure adequate availability to be able to respond to requests for support from Panel co-chairs.
  • Promote the work of the Panel and CMIP within their own networks and wider community.
  • Commit to promoting diversity, equality, inclusivity, and environmental sustainability within the CMIP project.
  • Assist the co-chairs with the core delivery of CMIP and liaison with the task teams and the WIP.
  • Represent the needs and requirements of regions currently underrepresented in CMIP activities, promote their capacities, and support collaborations with appropriate regional groups and activities.
  • Members are expected to conduct themselves according to the WCRP Code of Conduct.

Selection process and criteria

We seek nominations that will help us to enhance the integration of diverse and regionally representative views and experience into the CMIP Panel and are therefore seeking nominations explicitly from those based countries not currently represented by the Panel (i.e. Australia, Japan, Europe, and North America) and particularly encourage applications from “Least Developed Countries“, “Landlocked Developing Countries“, and “Small Island Developing States“.  In addition, nominees should have demonstrable experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • Relevant working knowledge of CMIP e.g., as data producers, data users, or involved in Model Intercomparison Project (MIP).
  • Earth System model development, experimental design, execution, or evaluation experience including engagement in international and regional model intercomparisons.
  • Experience of collaboration and co-creation with impacts and adaptation communities.
  • Experience of contributing to scientific assessments e.g., IPCC or national climate assessments.

The CMIP Core Panel members will undertake the shortlisting from the applications received by the deadline of 12:00 UTC, Friday 21st June. The identified names will then be submitted as a recommendation to the WGCM for final approval.

Time commitment

CMIP Panel meetings take place regularly, typically of two hours duration every 1-2 months or at the discretion of the CMIP Panel co-chairs, with an annual meeting together with the WGCM. There may be times when there is more or less work, depending on the activities undertaken (e.g., more intensive time demand may be needed with, for example, decisions regarding implementation/delivery activities, a workshop/event, stakeholder engagement or publishing a paper). Meetings will primarily be online, with some face-to-face meetings, if possible, to leverage suitable opportunities. Some out-of-hours work may be required due to time zones, but every effort is made to rotate meeting times to ensure fairness across the members.  

Typical additional activities that a Panel member would engage in could include:

  • Involvement and contribution to the CMIP task teams and/or Fresh Eyes on CMIP.
  • Attending a CMIP-related workshop (virtually or in person).
  • Additional virtual meetings for dialogue with other parts of WCRP and external stakeholders.
  • Document preparation such as white papers, guidance documents or peer reviewed publications.
  • Developing new cross-cutting themes.
  • Developing or leveraging networks relevant to the aims of CMIP.
  • Proposal conceptualization and development.
  • Representing CMIP at conferences, workshops, and other events.
  • Supporting capacity building in the global South and helping to foster collaboration.
  • Mentoring / fostering early career researcher networks.


CMIP Panel members are not paid. Financial support to travel and participate in person to relevant meeting may be available on a case-by-case basis.

How to apply

Please complete the application form here

The deadline for applications/nominations is 12:00 UTC Friday 21st June 2024.

Please contact if you have any questions or require further information.

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