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CMIP at the American Geophyical Union Fall Meeting 2023

11 December, 2023 @ 08:00 15 December, 2023 @ 17:00 Pacific Standard Time (PST)

The AGU Fall Meeting 2023 brings scientists, educators, policymakers, journalists and communicators attend AGU23 to better understand our planet and environment. AGU23 aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geophysics.

AGU23 will be held in-person in San Francisco, USA and online between 11-15 December 2023.

CMIP will have a strong presence across the conference. There are 3 sessions organised by members of our CMIP Task Teams, the CMIP IPO is organising a Townhall, and there will be an ESGF meeting and tutorial. See the brief timetable below for a summary, and longer session descriptions can be found underneath.

DaySessionSession typeTimeLocation
MondayClimate ForcingsOral talks08:30-11:502022-2024 West
Community lunch socialNetworking13:00-13:30Pod 3, Poster hall A-C
Open Earth and Environmental Data Advance Scientific DiscoveryeLightening16:00-17:30eLightening Theatre IV, South Hall D
ESGF2-US meeting and tutorialMeeting (sign-up required)18:15-21:30Marriot Marquis
TuesdayClimate ForcingsPosters08:30-13:00Poster hall A-C
Co-creating the future of CMIPTownhall13:00-14:00MC 3001 West
Earth system model benchmarkingPosters14:10-18:30Poster hall A-C

CMIP Townhall and sessions

The CMIP-IPO has organised a Townhall for AGU23.

Co-creating the Future CMIP

This Townhall will provide an update on the activities of the CMIP Panel, WIP, Task Teams, and Fresh Eyes on CMIP in planning for the future of CMIP. It will also highlight engagement opportunities and seek feedback from the AGU23 attendee community representing both CMIP data producers and users from the increasingly wide and diverse range of CMIP downstream users.

The Townhall will be at 13:00-14:00 PST on Tuesday 12 December in Room MC 3001 West.

Climate forcing: quantifying the roles and responses of anthropogenic and natural climate drivers


Paul J. Durack, Vaishali Naik, Stephanie Fiedler


Climate changes result from atmosphere constituent modulation that affects the top-of-atmosphere energy balance, or land use changes at the Earth’s surface, altering surface albedo, amongst other “forced” changes. These natural or anthropogenic climate drivers are termed “climate forcing” agents. This session highlights research quantifying and assessing uncertainties in forcing agent evolution and their climate influence using Earth System Model simulations, or Earth observations. We invite contributions on all aspects of climate forcing research, including the development of historical and future forcing time-series, analyses that use idealised, single- or multi-model approaches, or observational methods to evaluate climate impacts. We are especially interested in studies that examine the responses to forcing changes through time, using the current (CMIP6) or previous CMIP phases. Research that considers multiple components of the climate system (the ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere, land surface/subsurface, and biology) and provides evidence for linkages and coherent forced responses is highly encouraged.

Time and location

This session will consist of two oral sessions and one poster session.

The oral sessions will happen back-to-back on Monday morning between 08:30-11:50 PST in room 2022-2024 West. There will be a coffee break between 10:00-10:20.

The poster session will be on Tuesday morning between 08:30-12:30 in Poster hall A-C.

Link to oral session 1.

Link to oral session 2.

Link to poster session.

Open earth and environmental data advance scientific discovery


Forrest Hoffman, Shreyas Cholia, Paul J. Durack, Justin Jay Hnilo


The volume, velocity, variety, veracity, and value of Earth and environmental data are increasing rapidly. Data from observational networks and modeling platforms are proliferating and expanding with ever increasing spatial resolution and temporal sampling. To realize the promise of new scientific discoveries in Earth science, new analysis paradigms, novel hardware and software infrastructure, efficient and scalable data discovery, access, and management tools are required. This session features abstracts that describe storage and computing infrastructure supporting open data access and analytics; strategies for fostering or ensuring FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability) data principles; unique methods for data fusion, harmonization, synthesis, or analysis of open data; standards for AI-ready benchmark data; challenges around long term preservation of data; management of persistent identifiers and citations for data; advances in research data platforms and technologies; and reports on scientific discoveries or research results employing large and/or complex Earth and environmental systems data.

Time and location

This session is an eLightening session and will be held on Monday afternoon between 16:00-17:30. in Moscone South Hall D in eLightening Theatre IV.

ESGF2-US meeting and tutorial

The ESGF2-US project, supported by the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) BER-EESSD Data Management Program, will hold a hybrid meeting during the 2023 AGU Fall Meeting to share infrastructure and data development results, describe future collaborative activities, and provide a user tutorial. After a few brief presentations, a two-hour interactive tutorial and working dinner reception will be provided in the Marriott Marquis Pacific C Room. Please see the Draft Agenda for more information.

Sign-up is required to attending this event, and tutorial participation is limited to the first 30 registered learners.


Time and location

Monday, December 11, 2023, 6:15 p.m.–9:30 p.m. PST

San Francisco Marriott Marquis, Pacific C Room on the 4th Floor

780 Mission Street, San Francisco, California 94103 USA

Systematic Benchmarking of Earth System Models


Jiwoo Lee, Paul Ullrich, Forrest Hoffman, Peter Gleckler


Having credible Earth System Models (ESMs) is essential for the best climate change research. Systematic and routine evaluation of multiple ESMs in a collective manner is important for not only expediting the evaluation cycle but also for ensuring comprehensive documentation of data quality. This importance has grown as the data burden of ESMs push from the petabyte to exabyte scale through projects such as the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) and the forthcoming CMIP7, while the evaluation of ESMs has become more challenging with higher resolution and enhanced complexity of models. To advance the full integration of routine benchmarking and evaluation into the CMIP workflow, the World Climate Research Programme established the CMIP7 Benchmarking Task Team. This session will include studies that explore benchmarking of ESMs, new and informative diagnostics, science performance metrics, development of evaluation tools and methods, and model and observational uncertainties.

Time and location

This session will consist one poster session, which will be held on Tuesday afternoon between 14:10-18:30 in Poster hall A-C.

Abstract submission and conference registration

Abstract submission is now open , until 2nd August 2023 at 03:59 UTC (23:59 EDT). Submit an abstract by following this link (opens in a new tab).

AGU23 registration will open on 22 August 2023. Housing will also be available to reserve from this date for people planning to attend the conference in-person. Early bird registration rates will be available until 2nd November 2023. AGU also offers a range of reduces and fee waived registration options. See all registration details, including prices, by following this link (opens in a new tab).

Moscone Center

747 Howard St
San Francisco, California 94103 United States
View Venue Website


View Organiser Website

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