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The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Earth System Modelling and Observations (ESMO) project, through its Working Group on Coupled Models’ (WGCM) CMIP panel and WGCM infrastructure panel (WIP), has established a number of Task Teams to support the design, scope, and the evolution of CMIP.
Active task teams
The currently active task teams are:
- Climate Data Access Co-leads: Atef Ben Nasser, IPSL and Robert Pincus, Columbia
- Climate Data Request Co-leads: Martin Juckes, STFC, Chloe Mackallah, CSIRO and James Anstey, CCCma
- Climate Forcings Co-leads: Paul Durack PCMDI/LLNL, Vaishali Naik, NOAA and Zebedee Nicholls, Climate Resource/IIASA
- Climate Model Benchmarking Co-leads: Birgit Hassler, DLR and Forrest Hoffman, ORNL
- Climate Model Documentation Co-leads: David Hassell, NCAS, Guillaume Levavasseur, IPSL (2022-2024), Charlotte Pascoe, STFC (2024-)
- Fresh Eyes on CMIP Co-leads: Douglas Rao, NCState and Julia Mindlin, University of Leipzig
Active working groups
- Harmonisation Working Group
- Model selection Working Group
- Quality Control/Quality Assurance Working Group
Closed task teams and working groups
- Climate Data Citation Co-leads: Sasha Ames, LLNL and Martina Stockhause, DKRZ
- Strategic Ensemble Design Co-leads: Ben Sanderson, CICERO and Isla Simpson, NCAR
- Spin-up Working Group