CMIP-IPO have organised two townhalls at EGU23 to bring together those with previous CMIP experience, and those who are looking to get involved in the future. These events will be an opportunity for members of the CMIP community to come together to provide feedback on CMIP6 and influence the future of CMIP.
The first townhall – Co-creating the future of CMIP – will be a chance for the organisational teams working on CMIP7 to provide an update to the EGU23 community. This will include members of the CMIP Panel, WGCM Infrastructure Panel, and from the CMIP7 Task Teams. Engagement opportunities will be highlighted to the attending EGU23 community, representing both data producers and users, who will also have a chance to provide feedback. This townhall will take place on Tuesday 25th April at 19:00 CET, local Vienna time (17:00-18:00 UTC).
The second townhall – Early career researchers’ reflections from CMIP – is exclusively designed for the Early Career Researchers (ECRs) among the EGU23 community. ECRs are typically tasked with the, sometimes long and arduous, task of downloading and processing CMIP data. As such, they can provide a unique insight into the issues with previous CMIP datasets. Therefore, the organisational CMIP7 teams are seeking the input from ECRs at EGU23 on how to improve the usability and accessibility of CMIP data. This townhall will also offer the opportunity for ECRs to meet and network in an informal and comfortable setting, with each other and the CMIP7 organisational committees. Please come along and share your views! This townhall will take place on Thursday 27th April at 19:00 CET, local Vienna time (17:00-18:00 UTC)
EGU23 will be held between 23rd and 29th April 2023 at the Austria Conference Centre, Vienna. Please note that townhall attendance will be limited to registered attendees of EGU. Please check back here for more details soon!