WGCM Infrastructure Panel (WIP)

The WIP is a Working Group on Climate Modelling (WGCM) subcommittee charged with coordinating infrastructure support for CMIP (see “Terms of Reference“). It works with projects funded to develop software and supporting infrastructure that facilitates access to and analysis of the CMIP model output. It defines specifications and standards that ensure model output is written in a common structure and format, and that it is archived and made accessible worldwide in a common way. More generally, the WIP provides guidance and oversees infrastructure development so that it will be fit for its purpose and meet the scientific needs of CMIP and other MIP projects.  

The WIP works closely with the WGCM CMIP Panel, which oversees the evolving design of the CMIP experiments and coordinates the various activities contributing to the science of CMIP.

A joint decision log for the CMIP Panel and WIP is publicly available by following this link. The decision log lists proposals which have been brought to the Panel and/or the WIP, the meeting in which the proposal was discussed, and whether the proposal was accepted or rejected. This log has been made publicly available to increase the transparency of the CMIP decision process and keep the community up-to-date on the planning of future CMIP phases.

The WIP maintains a website, which can be found at wcrp-cmip.github.io/WCGM_Infrastructure_Panel.

WIP Members

(as of June 2021)

Paul Durack
PCMDI/LLNL USA 2017, Co-chair 2021-
Matthew Mizielinski
Met Office UK 2018-, Co-chair 2020-
Sasha Ames
LLNL USA 2019-, CDNOT Co-chair 2021-
Yuqi Bai
Tsinghua University China 2018-
Katharina Berger
DKRZ Germany 2021- , CDNOT Co-chair 2021-
David Hassell
NCAS UK 2019-
Martin Juckes
STFC UK 2014-
Slava Kharin
CCCma Canada 2014-
Andrea Lammert
DKRZ Germany 2021-
Grigory Nikulin
SMHI Sweden 2021-
Martina Stockhause
DKRZ Germany 2019-
Karl Taylor
PCMDI/LLNL USA 2014-; Co-chair 2014-2020

Former members

Ghaleb Abdulla
LLNL USA 2019-2021, ESGF-XC Co-chair 2018-2021
V. Balaji
Princeton/GFDL USA Co-chair 2014-2019
Luca Cinquini
NASA USA 2014-2019
Cecilia Deluca
NOAA USA 2014-2019
Sébastien Denvil
IPSL France 2014-2019, CDNOT Chair 2016-2019
Mark Elkington
Met Office UK 2014-2017
Francesca Guglielmo
IPSL France 2014-2022
Eric Guilyardi
IPSL France 2014-2019
Michael Lautenschlager
DKRZ Germany 2014-2021
Bryan Lawrence
NCAS UK 2014-2019
Ruth Petrie
NCAS UK 2019-2021, CDNOT Chair 2019-2021
Dean Williams
LLNL USA 2014-2019
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