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The Fresh Eyes Directory is an initiative to ensure that opportunities and collaboration within the CMIP Early Career Researcher (ECR) community are as open as possible. Fresh Eyes Directory is the access point to join the Fresh Eyes on CMIP Community. After signing up for the Directory, you will have the chance to register for ongoing Fresh Eyes Projects.
Any ECR can now register to join the Fresh Eyes Directory. This will lead to your name, email, and short biography becoming available to others in the Fresh Eyes Directory. Any member of the directory can then find other scientists to collaborate and network with.
Perks of being a Fresh Eyes on CMIP Directory member:
- Sign-up to join Fresh Eyes Projects
- Organise/attend CMIP events. Events can be self-proposed or solicited by TTs/Panels/IPO (e.g. AOGS workshop). Ideas include:
- Conference workshops/Townhalls/sessions/socials
- Modelling community discussion panels
- Workshops
- Summer schools
- Propose topics for discussion panels/seminars. The IPO may be able to help with organisation and facilitation where needed.
- Members will also receive invites to:
- Community consultations and reviews
- New projects
- Working groups
- Events
- Travel support fund
- Access professional development training materials and sessions offered by the CMIP IPO.
- Coming soon! Anyone in the Directory stream will be able to propose a new project for Fresh Eyes at any time. Once a proposal has been approved by the Fresh Eyes Steering Group and CMIP Panel, a sign-up form will be circulated to all Fresh Eyes Directory members.
- Coming soon! The Fresh Eyes Directory will be moving to a GitHub hosted forum. This will enable easier communication across projects. To help design the platform, we recommend
If you have any questions, please contact the CMIP IPO.
Join the Fresh Eyes Directory
Having trouble viewing the form above? Follow this link to access the application form to join the Fresh Eyes Directory.