Dec 12, 2023

Two new Fresh Eyes on CMIP opportunities

The Fresh Eyes on CMIP group launched to great success in 2023. We welcomed over 160 members to the group, led by Douglas Rao and Julia Mindlin. We’re delighted to now be able to offer two new opportunities to engage with the group.

Data Preparation co-leads application call

Two spaces have recently become available to join the Fresh Eyes on CMIP group in the role of Data Preparation Subgroup co-lead.

The pipeline from planning model experiments to publishing data on the ESGF contains many complex steps. The Data Preparation subgroup will consider ways to ease the preparation of data prior to publication, including the proposal and design of tools.  This subgroup will liaise with the Data Request Task Team.

The successful co-leads of this group will be responsible for steering the group’s direction and for chairing meetings. They will also sit on the wider Fresh Eyes on CMIP Steering Group as a representative of the Data Preparation group, to ensure effective collaboration across the whole Fresh Eyes group.

Details about how to apply can be found by following this link. The deadline for applications is 31 January 2023 at 23:59 UTC.

Fresh Eyes on CMIP Directory

We’re also delighted to announce that we’re launch the Fresh Eyes Directory. This a new initiative to ensure that opportunities and collaboration within the CMIP Early Career Researcher (ECR) community is as open as possible.

Any ECR can now register to join the Fresh Eyes Directory. This will lead to your name, email, and short biography becoming available to others in the Fresh Eyes Directory. Any member of the directory can then find other scientists to collaborate and network with.

Joining the directory will also ensure that you will always hear about new CMIP-relevant opportunities, events, and job adverts straight into your inbox. The Fresh Eyes on CMIP group may also reach out to the Fresh Eyes Directory with consultations and other engagement opportunities, as well as advertising when new positions in the Fresh Eyes on CMIP group become available.

Find more details on joining the Fresh Eyes Directory by following this link.

Fresh Eyes on CMIP

Researchers, scientists, and practitioners early in their career provide a unique insight into climate science and have the potential to offer a fresh perspective on CMIP. ECRs* regularly undertake the, often time consuming, tasks of generating, downloading, processing, and analysing data from CMIP and have a unique, working insight into the successes and flaws of CMIP phases and infrastructure. Fresh Eyes on CMIP is a new working group comprised of ~160 scientists, researchers, and practitioners in the early stages of their careers that sits alongside the CMIP7 task teams.

The Fresh Eyes on CMIP group is made up of a steering group, with regional representatives from across all continents (excluding Antarctica) and seven different subgroups:

  1. Infrastructure and technical subgroup
  2. Data access subgroup
  3. Data analysis subgroup
  4. Data preparation subgroup
  5. Documentation subgroup
  6. Forcings subgroup
  7. Model evaluation subgroup

*ECR definition

Early career researchers (ECRs) are master and PhD students, researchers, and practitioners in the early stages of their career. Typical definitions of ECRs suggest this period is within seven years of obtaining their highest degree (excluding career breaks). We will not impose this strict time definition but include it for reference. Application is open to all scientists, researchers and practitioners in the early stages of their career.  Practitioners are those working at the interface of society, policy, practice, and research.

Fresh Eyes Objectives and Goals

  1. Directly integrate the voice of ECRs into CMIP.
  2. Provide invaluable insight into the generation and access of CMIP data.
  3. Creating opportunities and encouraging participation for ECRs in the CMIP community
  4. Engage ECRs in the broader scientific and research community intersecting academia, NGOs, private sector, and Governmental institutions.
  5. Present proposals to the CMIP Panel and CMIP7 Task Teams
  6. Co-leads of subgroups act as task team liaisons and attend task team meetings to provide their insight.
  7. Work with IPO on identifying avenues for reducing the carbon footprint of CMIP.
  8. Work with IPO on designing dedicated CMIP ECR activities and increasing ECR involvement in wider activities.
  9. Increase collaborations across the CMIP community, especially with those working in the Global South

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