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Application deadline: 09:00 UTC, Friday 14th March 2025
The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) Panel is seeking applications from enthusiastic and dedicated individuals to join a new Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint Task Team.
Data production between CMIP3 and CMIP6 increased from 40 TB to over 25 PB of data generated. Several factors have driven this increase; model resolution, model complexity, number of requested variables and number of Model Intercomparison Projects (MIPs).
By using effective MIP experimental design, leveraging prior experience (e.g. from CMIP6), developing prototype experiments (before proposing MIP’s) and sharing MIP applications amongst model groups, the carbon footprint of subsequent MIP simulations can be reduced. This is especially relevant in terms of the energy requirements of data storage, access and processing.
Additionally, conferences, webinars and other collaborative activities contribute to the carbon footprint of CMIP operations and will be an additional focus of this Task Team.
Purpose and objectives of the Task Team
The primary purpose of this task team is to evaluate the energy consumption and carbon footprint of CMIP, develop appropriate target setting and monitoring procedures, and identify potential actions for reducing the impact. The primary objectives of this task team are to:
- Identify key areas and activities in CMIP for which energy consumption and carbon footprint should be monitored.
- Develop a calculation framework and methodology. Including identifying essential metrics, how data can be collected and stored, suitable platforms and tools and assessing how suitable methods and metrics can be applied to different countries and contexts.
- Design a roadmap of possible actions identifying key areas of community reduction effort in energy consumption and carbon footprint, including Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
- Conduct an analysis of the CMIP carbon footprint in the context of its societal benefits including equity and inclusion considerations and explore the potential impacts of different forms of CMIP evolution, for example the role of AI.
- Make recommendations to CMIP Panel for the monitoring and measurement of carbon impact in CMIP activities, including Working Group on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) Infrastructure Panel activities related to CMIP, task teams and other subsidiary bodies.
This Task Team will be joint activity with the ENES MTHPC Task Force co-led by Mario Acosta, at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BCS). Frédéric Bonou of the Université Nationale des Sciences Technologies, Ingénierie et Mathématiques (UNSTIM) will be the CMIP Panel liaison member for this team.
Desired experience
To supplement the expertise of current members, we are seeking applications from those with an interest in emission reduction pathways, computational performance efficiency and carbon accounting. Ideally, applicants have experience in one or more of the following:
- Climate modelling and the associated hardware,
- Experience with analysing and optimising code
- Renewable energy solutions
- Scope 1 ,2 and 3 emissions reporting
- Emissions mitigation
Time commitment
Meetings are expected to take place regularly, every 1-2 weeks, and more frequently as required over early 2025 as the work-to-date is prototyped and implemented. There may be times when there is more or less work depending on the activities undertaken (e.g., a peak period may be associated with milestone delivery or paper published by the TT). TT members are expected to commit appropriate time to this activity, at around 5-10% FTE. Most meetings will be online, with some out-of-hours working required to meet the challenges of time zone coordination. It is envisioned that the initial commitment to this TT will be around 18 months.
Selection process and criteria
The call selection panel will undertake the shortlisting from the applications received by the deadline of 09:00 UTC, Friday 28th February 2025. The identified names will then be submitted as a recommendation to the WGCM for final approval.
CMIP Panel task team members are not paid. Financial support to travel and participate in person to relevant meeting may be available on a case-by-case basis.
How to apply
Please complete the application form
The deadline for applications/nominations is 09:00 UTC, Friday 28th February 2025.
Contact information
The points of contact for this TT will be Mario Acosta (Barcelona Supercomputing Centre) and Frédéric Bonou (UNSTIM). Please contact the CMIP-IPO (cmip-ipo@esa.int) if you have any questions or require further information.