21 August, 2024 @ 15:00 – 16:00 UTC
The CMIP Data Request Task Team are working with community representative leads across five thematic author teams to produce a set of theme papers which will develop the AR7 Fast Track CMIP Data Request (DR). Within this process, there is the opportunity for new physical parameters and new variables to be proposed. This might require a new CF Standard Name to be agreed. We encourage those expecting to propose any required new standard names to do so as soon as possible to give time for any required discussions to take place before the first version of the Data Request is released in October.
In this community drop-in session, Data Request Task Team member and CF Conventions expert, Alison Pamment, will present an overview of what CF standard names are, how they are used with other CF metadata attributes and the process for proposing a new CF Standard Name. The session will then open into an interactive question and answer session. The session is aimed at supporting those seeking to propose new variables and/or new parameters within the current Data Request Phase 1 consultation process, but all members of the community are welcome to register and attend.
What are the CF Metadata conventions?
The CMIP Data Request conforms to CF Metadata conventions. These conventions define metadata which provide a definitive description of what the data in each variable represents, and the spatial and temporal properties of the data.
Where an existing CF Standard Name does not exist to describe the proposed parameter, proposers will need to submit a new name proposal to the CF Standard Names discussion list (also, see guidance on new standard name proposals here and rules for CF standard names here). Please add ‘CMIP7’ at the start of you GitHub issue title. If you are submitting multiple proposals, please group together similar ones to reduce the workload for the CF community. The new standard name proposal process through CF could take up to 2-3 months, depending on the complexity of the proposal.
Visit http://cfconventions.org/ for the latest version of the conventions document and to access the standard name table.