Dec 18, 2024

Data Request Task Team meet to advance progress on the CMIP7 Data Request

The Data Request Task Team members met in-person to review the ongoing thematic author teams process and generate a roadmap and concrete actions towards publishing the final v1.2 of the CMIP7 Data Request. The three-day workshop was organised by the CMIP International Project Office and hosted at Linacre College, Oxford.

Roadmap through to v1.2

The first two days of the workshop focused on the progress towards delivery of the CMIP7 Data Request to support the AR7 Fast Track. Each participant provided their reflections following the first phase of public consultation and v1.0 release of the Data Request, helping the Task Team understand what worked well, what lessons were learnt, and what topics should be prioritised during later rounds of consultation. Additionally, the Task Team held and open community launch event for the v1.0 release (slides and recording) to engage with MIPs and modelling centres on:

  1. The new structure of the CMIP7 Data Request
  2. Changes since CMIP6
  3. Overview of the software package in development.

During this event, users were encouraged to explore the content in the release and contribute any feedback in the forthcoming phase 2 of consultation.

The second day of the workshop focussed on developing a plan for this second phase of consultation. Key objectives of the consultation were outlined, and a key aim was to make contributing to the consultation as easy as possible for the community.

Looking ahead: how to approach the unharmonised request

On Day 3 the attention turned beyond the second phase of consultation. The Technical Implementation SubGroup (TISG) members participated in a hackathon, to identify key features the need to develop to make the software package for the Data Request as useful as possible. Simultaneously, other Task Team members participated in a ‘writeathon’ – a session dedicated to developing the Task Team’s overview paper, planned for submission to GMD. During this session, participants also helped to develop an outline structure for the thematic author teams to use when developing their own theme papers. All papers are planned for submission by the end of March 2025, alongside the v1.2 release.

In the final session of the workshop, the focus pivoted to looking beyond the AR7 Fast Track and to the unharmonised data request as well as future harmonised requests. An in-depth discussion highlighted the importance of clear processes and governance and ensuring feedback from the thematic author process is taken into consideration. This conversation will continue through 2025, with the Data Request Task Team planning to provide recommendations to the WIP before the end of 2025.

Next steps

A set of actions across short, medium and longer timescales provide a roadmap through to the final v1.2 release of the CMIP7 Data Request in March 2025. Additionally, early discussions on the unharmonised CMIP7 Data Request began at the workshop and will continue throughout 2025. The Data Request Task Team, supported by the CMIP Panel and CMIP IPO, are now working to implement the outcomes, reach out further within the relevant communities and build on the momentum and enthusiasm demonstrated by the thematic author teams. Watch this space!

Further information

For more information on the CMIP Data Request Task Team, see their webpage. Please sign-up for the Data Request mailing list here to be notified of new releases, consultation, or other updates. 

The second phase of consultation on the CMIP7 Data Request is currently open. Please find out more about how to contribute here.

More on the subject

Understanding the CMIP7 Data Request requirements for the Impacts and Adaptation community (session 2)

Understanding the CMIP7 Data Request requirements for the Impacts and Adaptation community (session 1)


CMIP7 Data Request: v1.0 now available

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