Climate Data Citation Task Team (closed)

Task Team period of service: 12 January 2023 – 18 March 2024

Co-leads: Sasha Ames, LLNL and Martina Stockhause, DKRZ

This task team focussed on how the CMIP data citation service should be transformed into a sustainable, scalable, and better integrated service, which can be provided for projects upon request and meets provider and user needs.


The CMIP6 data citation service relies on a single person and the support by a single institution. Services were developed in an ad hoc manner restricted by limited resources.

Aim & Objectives

The aim of this TT was to develop the concept of a sustainable data citation service that:
• Supports CMIP7 and other WCRP projects and MIPs.
• Integrates more seamlessly into the CMIP infrastructure.
• Provides improved services for data providers and data users based on the CMIP survey results.
• Shares effort and costs among several DOI-providing institutions increasing resilience of the service.

The objectives were to:

  1. Prioritise requirements for CMIP7 and potential wider activities.
  2. Identify stakeholders.
  3. Define a maximum of three options for a future citation service.
  4. Develop concepts, specify required services, and estimate costs (financial and human resource) for all options.
  5. Carry out stakeholder engagement to determine the preferred option.
  6. Develop an appropriate governance structure and process for establishment (e.g., Terms of Reference).

The TT was also responsible for developing a governance structure for the recommended citation service.

Decisions and publications

The Task Team will publish a whitepaper outlining the recommendations made to the CMIP Panel and the WGCM Infratructure Panel (WIP). This will be published on Zenodo in the summer/autumn of 2024.

Task Team relevant decisions

Key decisions made by the CMIP Panel and the WIP relating to the Task Team can be viewed below. If you are having issues reading the table, you can open it in a new tab by following this link.

Climate Data Citation Task Team (closed) members

Sasha Ames 2022- Co-lead LLNL USA
Martina Stockhause 2022- Co-lead DKRZ Germany
Bryan Lawrence 2023-2024 Member NCAS UK
Hsin-Chien Liang 2023-2024 Member Sinica Taiwan
Yiling Liu 2023-2024 Member ANU Australia
Graham Parton 2023-2024 Member STFC UK
Aparna Radhakrishnan 2023-2024 Member Princeton University USA


Open call for members closed in October 2022 – call text available here.

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