AR7 Fast Track consultation: modelling centres

We thank the modelling centres/groups who responded to v1 consultation for their considered input and suggestions. The results were analysed and discussed within the CMIP Panel, WGCM Infrastructure Panel (WIP), Strategic Ensemble Design Task Team, and with the proposing MIPs. A CMIP AR7 Fast Track v2 proposal has been developed and we are seeking further feedback from modelling centres through this survey – your input is greatly appreciated.

The CMIP Panel and WGCM Infrastructure Panel (WIP) continue to shape the future CMIP structure and delivery plans in close coordination with the CMIP Task Teams and through regular engagement with WCRP and the wider community.  Reflecting concerns about the burden CMIP6 placed on modelling centres/groups, the CMIP Panel have proposed a more continuous approach for model intercomparison along with a targeted “AR7 Fast Track” set of experiments designed to set priorities for the running of simulations to align with the needs, and likely ambitious timeline, of the IPCC 7th assessment cycle.

This page provides links to all relevant information regarding the AR7 Fast Track consultation process with modelling centres/groups. Questions or requests for clarifications can be submitted via the Q&A forum or directly to .

v2 consultation: February 2024 (OPEN)

v1 consultation: December 2023 (CLOSED)

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