Oct 12, 2023

Position available on the CMIP7 Data Access Task Team – apply now!

Server room image with the CMIP logo placed on top

One position has become available to join the CMIP7 Data Access Task Team.


The primary objective of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) is to better understand past, present, and future climate changes arising from natural, unforced variability or in response to changes in forcing in a multi-model context. Successive generations of CMIP have seen the project grow in scope, with increasing process-specific Model Intercomparison Projects (MIPs) to better address specific scientific questions, while continuing to play a critical role in the IPCC Assessment Reports.

Based on the outcomes of the recent CMIP6 Community Survey the CMIP panel is seeking to identify ways to increase the project’s scientific and societal relevance, improve accessibility, widen participation, and reduce its own carbon footprint within the limits of available financial and human resources. This can only be achieved if a broad and diverse community, bridging traditional divides, is involved in the planning and definition of the future CMIP.

Therefore, the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Earth System Modelling and Observations (ESMO) project, through its Working Group on Coupled Models’ (WGCMCMIP panel and WGCM infrastructure panel (WIP), established a number of Task Teams in 2022 and early 2023, to support the design, scope, and definition of the next phase of CMIP and evolution of CMIP infrastructure and future operationalisation.

The Data Access Task Team

The demand for and interest in CMIP data is growing rapidly with users coming from an increasingly diverse range of backgrounds beyond the climate research community including climate services, impact modelling, regional and local policy/decision makers, and indigenous communities from across the globe. The CMIP6 Community Survey highlighted a number of opportunities for increasing equitable access to, and the utility of, CMIP data. These include:

  • Streamlining and making the processes for supplying CMIP-compatible data more accessible.
  • Simplifying the user experience for data provisioning, access, and use.
  • Facilitating community tool development.
  • Supporting wider access to compute and analysis platforms.
  • Reducing technical and resource-limitation barriers particularly for those in the global south.

The Data Access Task Team seeks to smooth the path between the conception of experiments and the use of the resulting data.

Open call to fill the position

The Data Access Task Team is a diverse group of experts representing the range of CMIP-like data providers, data users, and infrastructure providers. A single position on the Task Team has become available.

This open call is an invitation to an enthusiastic and motivated individual to join the CMIP7 Data Access Task Team and contribute to the future direction of CMIP.

How to apply

Applications should be submitted via this form before 12:00 UTC on 1st November.


This are not paid roles. Most meetings will be online; however, a limited amount of travel support may be available for in-person meetings if required.

Diversity and inclusion

WCRP embraces diversity, demands equality, and builds capacity for the future with a commitment to inclusive and representative teams across all areas of activity, including the development of the CMIP Task Teams.

Contact and further information

Please contact the CMIP-IPO () if you have any questions or require further information.

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