Dec 8, 2024

Open call for Controlled Vocabularies Task Team

Application deadline: 17:00 UTC, Friday 20th January 2025

The WGCM Infrastructure Panel (WIP) is seeking applications from enthusiastic and dedicated individuals to join a new Controlled Vocabularies Task Team.


The MIP Controlled Vocabularies (CVs) are a standard nomenclature supporting CMIP7 and other MIPs, which are used to uniquely define datasets, record information about participating groups experiments, activities, and certain dataset characteristics useful in discovering data of interest and interpreting it.

The CMIP7 CVs will anchor many of the downstream infrastructure services relied on by modelling groups in generating output conforming to CMIP standards (e.g. CMIP7 “data request”, CMOR and other data preparation tools), along with the ESGF publisher which will index contributions available for download. In addition to these two examples, numerous other services and tools will also rely on the CVs.

Purpose and objectives of the Task Team

The primary purpose of this task team is to develop, design and implement a new, robust framework for recording and managing Controlled Vocabularies (CVs) that can serve CMIP and related WGCM and ESMO activities. The primary objectives of this task team are to:

  • Create a scalable framework for recording, managing, and serving the multiple controlled vocabularies relied on by the MIP infrastructure in support of CMIP and other WCRP MIPs.
  • Develop documentation describing CV structure and guidelines for establishing new CVs and updating existing ones.
  • Propose a viable approach for managing and maintaining the CVs.
  • Develop tools to facilitate extraction of CV information by the MIP infrastructure components that rely on it.

This Task Team will be coordinating closely with the various other CMIP Task Teams including the CMIP Data Request Task Team, and CMIP Model Documentation Task Team. In addition, interactions with Model Intercomparison Projects (MIPs) will occur to ensure consistency between the experiments, their design and documentation, and with CMIP7 contributing modelling groups to correctly identify and register CMIP7-contributing model configurations.

Desired experience

To supplement the expertise of current members, we are seeking applications from those with complementary interest in assisting CV design and development and in using the CVs for essential supporting infrastructure components. Ideally, applicants will have experience in the generation of simulation datasets in prior CMIP phases, or in the replication and download of these datasets. Experience with the existing CMIP6 CVs is preferred.

Time commitment

Meetings are expected to take place regularly, every 1-2 weeks, and more frequently as required over early 2025 as the work-to-date is prototyped and implemented. There may be times when there is more or less work depending on the activities undertaken (e.g., a peak period may be associated with milestone delivery or paper published by the TT). TT members are expected to commit appropriate time to this activity, at around 5-10% FTE. Most meetings will be online, with some out-of-hours working required to meet the challenges of time zone coordination. It is envisioned that the initial commitment to this TT will be around 18 months.

Selection process and criteria

The call selection panel will undertake the shortlisting from the applications received by the deadline of 09:00 UTC Friday 17th January 2025. The identified names will then be submitted as a recommendation to the WGCM for final approval.


WIP task team members are not paid. Financial support to travel and participate in person to relevant meeting may be available on a case-by-case basis.

How to apply

Please complete the application form here.

The deadline for applications/nominations is 09:00 UTC Friday 17th January 2025.

Contact information

The points of contact for this TT are Karl Taylor () and Laurent Troussellier (). Please contact the CMIP-IPO () if you have any questions or require further information.

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