27 June, 2024 @ 14:00 – 15:30 Asia/Seoul
The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) is an international climate modelling project, designed to better understand past, present, and future changes in the climate. CMIP has grown significantly since its inception. More than 50 modelling centres around the world participated in CMIP6, which has already generated in excess of 14 PB of unique data. From its inception, there has been a focused effort to make the model intercomparison data available to scientists beyond the climate modelling community. CMIP’s reach has continued to grow with an increasing number and diversity range of users.
With more data access platforms and analysis tools being created every year to support the use of CMIP data, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Primarily led by members of the new Early Career Scientists group, Fresh Eyes on CMIP, this workshop will provide an overview of ways to access CMIP data and present some useful analysis tools and methods to help with using it. The key topics across the session will cover:
- CMIP experimental structure and MIPs.
- Scientific limitations of CMIP data.
- Different methods for accessing CMIP data, and their advantages and limitations.
- Analysis and evaluation tools.
In this workshop, participants will learn about CMIP data and how to access and analysis it efficiently.
The session will be interactive with a lot of time to ask questions in between presentations and live demonstrations. The session is open to anyone who wants to use CMIP data from any sector.
All materials and code examples from this workshop will be made freely-available online via the CMIP website, Zenodo, and GitHub. Keep checking this page for more details and the materials release.
Workshop conveners
A huge thank you to the Fresh Eyes on CMIP members below who have organised and prepared the materials for this workshop.
- Douglas Rao, NC State University
- Yiwen Li, China University of Geosciences
- Nebiyu Waliyi Tekesa, Arba Minch University
- Evgenia Galytska, University of Bremen
- Abhnil Prasad, UNSW
- Froila Palmeiro, CMCC/CCCma
- Anja Katzenberger, PIK Potsdam
- Gen Tolhurst, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
- Cheikh Modou Noreyni Fall, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
- Beth Dingley, CMIP International Project Office
The workshop will be presented in-person by Douglas, Yiwen, and Nebiyu.
Workshop materials
Code examples from the workshop can be accessed on GitHub. This includes a Binder, which allows users to run the code from their computer without downloading the required packages. This is only for testing purposes – users wishing to use the code for their own analysis should download the code files to their own machines and edit there.
Slides from the workshop can be accessed here.